Thursday, 2 October 2014


Once again a huge gap in the blog. Work can be like that.
And I bought a new house.

Anyway, painting wise...currently working on the contents of the Storm Claw boxed set and painting the Space Wolves from that ready to battle all the missions in the box v's a friend who is doing the Ork half.

This was the last photos i took as I worked on the armour.
Airbrushed stages were Sombre grey through Wolf Grey, gloss varnished and then oil washed with Engine Grease from MiG (brown was too light, black was too dark). Finally after a couple of days it was matt varnished.

While thats going on...

I somehow made 4 pages in this months White Dwarf Visions magazine. This was my random entry in to Golden Demon in 2013, and as they clearly struggle to fill their pages, they used my entry!