Thursday, 10 January 2013

Hmmmm! Welcome to 2013!

So its been a couple more weeks again and nothing on here, so time for an update.
I have now gotten over a bad cold, the wife had Norovirus and spent the festive period revisiting the contents of her stomach and hobby time was dramatically reduced!

So just a normal Christmas here then.

Back into the hobby before yet another break due to vacation, and the base of the Warhound is taking shape. I have also commenced work on the Princeps as well as the insides of the Techmarine area and all that jazz.
A little late to the party I have an amateur mistake to admit - 2 parts were missing! A central door and the lift platform. So after waiting for FE to get back to work, a call into them has them being cast up and sent over. Nothing that halts painting or build time really, so not a show stopper as I await the postal delivery of these components.

A fair bit of time doing pistons was done as well, especially the zillion ankle ones, which are completed and added onto the model now.

So a few piccies to keep you going
1. The piston prep area

2. The base build

2. The base primed
4. The base with legs show after pinning

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